University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU)
Mikel Iruskieta, Oier Lopez de Lacalle, Esther Miranda, Kike Fernandez, Maxux Aranzabe, Itziar Gonzalez, Mikel Lersundi, Arantza Diaz de Ilarraza
publicly available at
Available translations:
The most of the text is available (upon request) in Spanish and English. There is also a part available in French.
Corpus size (sentences):
1,050 (rhetorical relations)
Genre (detailed):
scientific abstracs, books reviews
Years of the data origin:
Document structure:
headings, paragraph boundaries
Unit of segmentation used:
Tools for annotation:
RSTTool (, Rhetorical Database (
Tools for browsing:
Web-based tools (
Tools for querying:
web-based tools (
Types of DSDs annotated:
intra- and inter-sentential, RST style annotation, relation signalling annotation
Style/theory of annotation:
txt, rs3, xml, kaf, rhetdb, jpg
Version number, release date:
Previous versions and their release dates:
Pointers to related corpora:
Citation (text format):
Iruskieta, M.; Aranzabe, M.J.; Diaz de Ilarraza, A.; Gonzalez, I.; Lersundi, M.; Lopez de la Calle, O. 2013. The RST Basque TreeBank: an online search interface to check rhetorical relations. Paper presented at the 4th Workshop ''RST and Discourse Studies'', Brasil, October 21-23.
Citation (bibTeX format):
@InProceedings{author = { M. Iruskieta and M. Aranzabe and A. Diaz de Ilarraza and I. Gonzalez and I. Lersundi and O. Lopez de Lacalle },title = {The RST Basque TreeBank: an online search interface to check rhetorical relations},booktitle = {4th Workshop RST and Discourse Studies, 40-49, Sociedad Brasileira de Computacao, Fortaleza, CE, Brasil. October 20-24 ("},year = {2013}}
Further info about the discourse relations:
information about arguments of each relation is available
senses/semantic labels are annotated for the relations
Other annotation layers:
sentence morphosyntax, parse structure