

Das.D. (Submitted) Signalling of coherence relations in discourse, beyond discourse markers Journal Article
Das.D. (Submitted) RST Signalling Corpus: A corpus of signals of coherence relations Journal Article
Cuenca.M.Josep, Crible.L. (Submitted) Co-occurrence of discourse markers in English: from juxtaposition to composition Journal Article
Staliūnaitė.I. (Submitted) Getting to "Hearer-old": Charting Referring Expressions Across Time Journal Article

(In Press)

Crible.L., Degand.L. (In Press) Reliability vs. granularity in discourse annotation: What is the trade-off? Journal Article
Cuenca.M.J., Estellés.M. (In Press) Los marcadores contrastivos al contrario, antes al contrario y antes bien en español actual. Book Chapter
Kunz.K., Degaetano-Ortlieb.S., Lapshinova-Koltunski.E., Menzei.K., Nedoluzkho.A. (In Press) GECCo - an empirically-based comparison of English-German cohesion Book Chapter
Lavid.J., Moraton.L. (In Press) Contrastive Annotation of Interactional Discourse Markers​ ​ in English and Spanish newspaper texts​. Book Chapter
(In Press) Towards a Model for Discourse Marker Annotation in spoken French: From potential to feature-based discourse markers Book Chapter


Rysová.K., Rysová.M., Musil.T., Polakova.L., Bojar.O. (2019) A Test Suite and Manual Evaluation of Document-Level NMT at WMT19 Conference Paper


Zeyrek.D., Mendes.A., Kurfalı.M. (2018) Multilingual Extension of PDTB-Style Annotation: The Case of TED Multilingual Discourse Bank Conference Proceedings
Scholman.M., Demberg.V., Rohde.H. (2018) Signaling with one hand: A cross-linguistic comparison of the facilitative effect of ``On the one hand'' Presentation
Nedoluzhko.A., Lapshinova-Koltunski.E. (2018) Correlating DRDs with other types of discourse phenomena: Cross-linguistic analysis of the interplay between DRDs, coreference and bridging Conference Paper
Abuczki.A., Parmaxi.A., Nicolaou.A. (2018) Teaching Discourse Markers in a Technologically-Enhanced Language Classroom Book Chapter
Kunz.K., Lapshinova-Koltunski.E. (2018) English vs. German from a Textual Perspective: Looking inside Chain Intersection Journal Article
Crible.L. (2018) Discourse Markers and (Dis)fluency. Forms and Functions across Languages and Registers Book
Mendes.A., Gayo.I.Del Río, Stede.M., Dombek.F. (2018) A Lexicon of Discourse Markers for Portuguese – LDM-PT Conference Paper
Rysová.M., Rysová.K. (2018) Primary and secondary discourse connectives: Constraints and preferences Journal Article
Webber.B., Rohde.H., Dickinson.A., Louis.A. (2018) Explicit discourse connectives / Implicit discourse relations Presentation
Lapshinova-Koltunski.E., Nedoluzhko.A. (2018) Pronominal Adverbs in German and their Equivalents in English, Czech and Russian: Evidence from the Parallel Corpus Conference Paper
J.M..S.Ted, Vera.D., Jet.H., C.J..S.Merel, Torabi.A.Fatemeh, Sandrine.Z., Jacqueline.E.V. (2018) Unifying dimensions in coherence relations: How various annotation frameworks are related Miscellaneous
Zeyrek.D., Mendes.A., Kurfalı.M. (2018) Multilingual Extension of PDTB-Style Annotation: The Case of TED Multilingual Discourse Bank Conference Paper
Webber.B., Rohde.H., Dickinson.A., Louis.A., Schneider.N. (2018) Explicit discourse connectives / Implicit discourse relations Presentation
Hoek.J., Rohde.H., Evers-Vermeul.S., M..T. (2018) Updating Discourse-level Expectations during Online Processing Presentation
Webber.B., Rohde.H., Dickinson.A., Louis.A., Schneider.N. (2018) Hidden AND in Plain Sight? Implicit and Explicit Relations Cooperate in the Construction of Meaning in Discourse Presentation
Loáiciga.S., Bevacqua.L., Rohde.H., Hardmeier.C. (2018) Event versus entity co-reference: Effects of context and form of referring expression Book Chapter
Zeyrek.D., Demirşahin.I., Bozşahin.C. (2018) Turkish Discourse Bank: Connectives and Their Configurations Book Chapter
Rohde.H., Johnson.A., Schneider.N., Webber.B. (2018) Discourse coherence: Concurrent explicit and implicit relations Conference Proceedings
Oleskeviciene.G.V., .Burksaitiene.N., .Rackeviciene.S., .Sliogeriene.J. (2018) Annotating Discourse Marker Because in TED Talks Journal Article
Rohde.H., Webber.B., Schneider.N., Johnson.A. (2018) Multiple concurrent discourse relations Presentation
Hardmeier.C., Loáiciga.S., Rohde.H., Bevacqua.L. (2018) Forms of Anaphoric Reference to Organisational Named Entities: Hoping to widen appeal they diversified Conference Proceedings
Hajičová.E., Mírovský.J. (2018) Discourse Coherence Through the Lens of an Annotated Text Corpus: A Case Study Conference Paper
Lapshinova-Koltunski.E., Hardmeier.C., Krielke.M.P. (2018) ParCorFull: a Parallel Corpus Annotated with Full Coreference Conference Paper


Rohde.H., Dickinson.A., Schneider.N., Louis.A., Webber.B. (2017) Exploring Substitutability through Discourse Adverbials and Multiple Judgments Conference Proceedings
Bolly.C., Crible.L., Degand.L., Uygur-Distexhe.D. (2017) Towards a {Model} for {Discourse} {Marker} {Annotation} in spoken {French}: {From} potential to feature-based discourse markers Book Chapter
Evers-Vermeul.J., Hoek.J., Scholman.M.C.J. (2017) On Temporality in Discourse Annotation: Theoretical and Practical Considerations Journal Article
Hoek.J., Rohde.H., Evers-Vermeul.S., M..T. (2017) Coherence-driven discourse expectations from restrictive relative clauses Presentation
Menzel.K., Lapshinova-Koltunski.E., Kunz.K. (2017) New Perspectives on Cohesion and Coherence: Implications for Translations Book
Shi.W., Yung.F., Rubino.R., Demberg.V. (2017) Using Explicit Discourse Connectives in Translation for Implicit Discourse Relation Classification Conference Paper
Braud.C., Coavoux.M., Søgaard.A. (2017) Cross-lingual RST Discourse Parsing Conference Paper
Hoek.J., Rohde.H. (2017) Restrictive relative clause constructions as implicit coherence relations Presentation
Crible.L. (2017) Towards an operational category of discourse markers: A definition and its model Book Chapter
Estelles.M., Cuenca.M.J. (2017) Ans y antes: de la anterioridad a la refutación en catalán y en español Journal Article
Lapshinova-Koltunski.E., Martínez.J.Manuel Mar (2017) Statistical Insights into Cohesion: Contrasting English and German across Modes Book Chapter
Shi.W., Demberg.V. (2017) Do We Need Cross Validation for Discourse Relation Classification? Conference Paper
Dobrovoljc.K. (2017) Multi-word discourse markers and their corpus-driven identification Journal Article
Cuenca.M.Josep, Visconti.J. (2017) De la precedencia temporal al contraste: el marcador del discurso ans en catalán y anzi en italiano Journal Article
Braud.C., Lacroix.O., Søgaard.A. (2017) Cross-lingual and cross-domain discourse segmentation of entire documents Conference Paper
Crible.L., Degand.L., Gilquin.G. (2017) The clustering of discourse markers and filled pauses: a corpus-based French-English study of (dis)fluency Journal Article
Cuenca.M.J. (2017) Connectors gramaticals i connectors lèxics en la construcció discursiva del debat parlamentari Journal Article
Cardoso.P.C.F., Pardo.T.A.S., Taboada.M. (2017) Subtopic annotation and automatic segmentation for news texts in Brazilian Portuguese Journal Article
Rysová.K., Rysová.M., Mírovský.J., Novák.M. (2017) Introducing EVALD – Software Applications for Automatic Evaluation of Discourse in Czech Conference Paper
Lapshinova-Koltunski.E., Hardmeier.C. (2017) Discovery of Discourse-Related Language Contrasts through Alignment Discrepancies in English-German Translation Conference Paper
Lavid.J. (2017) Annotating complex linguistic features in bilingual corpora: The case of MULTINOT Conference Paper
Poláková.L., Mírovský.J., Synková.P. (2017) Signalling Implicit Relations: A PDTB - RST Comparison Journal Article
Demirşahin.I., Zeyrek.D. (2017) Pair annotation as a novel annotation procedure: The case of Turkish Discourse Bank Book Chapter
Crible.L. (2017) Discourse markers and (dis)fluencies in English and French: Variation and combination in the DisFrEn corpus Journal Article
Cuenca.M.J. (2017) Conjunciones causales de origen participial en español y en catalán Book Chapter
Zeyrek.D., Kurfali.M. (2017) TDB 1.1: Extensions on Turkish Discourse Bank Conference Paper
Demberg.V., Asr.F.Torabi, Scholman.M.C.J. (2017) How consistent are our discourse annotations? Insights from mapping RST-DT and PDTB annotations Journal Article
Lapshinova-Koltunski.E., Ogrodniczuk.M. (2017) Review of Discourse and Coherence: From the Sentence Structure to Textual Relations by Šárka Zikánová, Eva Hajičová, Barbora Hladká, Pavlína Jínová, Jiří Mírovský, Anna Nedoluzhko, Lucie Poláková, Kateřina Rysová, Magdaléna Rysová and Jan Václ Journal Article
Mírovský.J., Synková.P., Rysová.M., Poláková.L. (2017) CzeDLex – A Lexicon of Czech Discourse Connectives Journal Article
Hoek.J., Scholman.M.C.J. (2017) Evaluating discourse annotation: Some recent insights and new approaches Conference Paper
Rutherford.A., Demberg.V., Xue.N. (2017) A Systematic Study of Neural Discourse Models for Implicit Discourse Relation Conference Paper
Crible.L., Cuenca.M.Josep (2017) Discourse markers in speech: Characteristics and challenges for corpus annotation Journal Article
Scholman.M., Rohde.H., Demberg.V.& (2017) ``On the one hand'' as a cue to anticipate upcoming discourse structure Journal Article
Scholman.M.C.J., Demberg.V. (2017) Crowdsourcing discourse interpretations: On the influence of context and the reliability of a connective insertion task Journal Article
Hoek.J., Rohde.H., Evers-Vermeul.S., M..T. (2017) Shaping discourse expectations by restricting referents Presentation
Rysová.M. (2017) Discourse connectives: From historical origin to present-day development Book Chapter


Martínez.J.Manuel Mar, Lapshinova-Koltunski.E., Kunz.K.Anna (2016) Annotation of Lexical Cohesion in English and German: Automatic and Manual Procedures Conference Paper
Xue.N., Ng.H.Tou, Pradhan.S., Rutherford.A., Webber.B., Wang.C., Wang.H. (2016) {CoNLL 2016} Shared Task on Multilingual Shallow Discourse Parsing Conference Paper
Rutherford.A.T., Demberg.V., Xue.N. (2016) Neural Network Models for Implicit Discourse Relation Classification in English and Chinese without Surface Features Journal Article
Kurfali.M., Zeyrek.D. (2016) Automatic prediction of implicit discourse relations in Turkish Conference Proceedings
Lejeune.P., Mendes.A., Martins.N. (2016) Some considerations on the use of main verbs to express rhetorical relations Conference Paper
Asijaviciute.V., Oleskeviciene.V. (2016) Adversative Conjunctions in Spoken Lithuanian and English Journal Article
Hoek.J., Zufferey.S., Evers-Vermeul.J., Sanders.T. (2016) When do we need a connective? Cognitive complexity and the linguistic marking of coherence relations. Presentation
Rysová.M., Pavlína.S., Mírovský.J., Hajičová.E., Dickinson.A., (2016) Prague Discourse Treebank 2.0 Software
Bunt.H., Prasad.R. (2016) ISO DR-Core (ISO 24617-8): Core Concepts for the Annotation of Discourse Relations. Conference Paper
Webber.B., Prasad.R., Lee.A., Joshi.A. (2016) A Discourse-Annotated Corpus of Conjoined VPs Conference Paper
da Cunha.I., SanJuan.E., Torres-Moreno.J.M., Castellón.I., Lloberes.M. (2016) Extending Automatic Discourse Segmentation for Texts in Spanish to Catalan. Conference Paper
Hoek.J., Evers-Vermeul.J., Sanders.T. (2016) Segmenting discourse units: Incorporating interpretation into decision rules? Presentation
Scholman.M.C.J., Evers-Vermeul.J., Sanders.T.J.M. (2016) Categories of coherence relations in discourse annotation: Towards a reliable categorization of coherence relations Journal Article
(2016) Information structure, position of causal connective and type of causal relation Presentation
Trnavac.R., Das.D., Taboada.M. (2016) Discourse relations and evaluation Journal Article
Nedoluzkho.A., Lapshinova-Koltunski.E. (2016) Abstract Coreference in a Multilingual Perspective: a View on Czech and German Conference Proceedings
Lewandowska-Tomaszczyk.B., Wilson.P.A. (2016) Negative Emotion Pragmatic Markers – Corpora and Cross-Linguistic Contrasts Presentation
Lavid.J., Moraton.L. (2016) Generic structures, rhetorical relations and thematic patterns in English and Spanish journalistic texts: a comparative study​. Presentation
da Cunha.I. (2016) Towards discourse parsing in Spanish Conference Paper
Rohde.H., Dickinson.A., Schneider.S., Clark.C.N.L., Louis.A., Webber.B. (2016) Filling in the Blanks in Understanding Discourse Adverbials: Consistency, Conflict, and Context-Dependence in a Crowdsourced Elicitation Task. Conference Paper
Nedoluzhko.A., Lapshinova-Koltunski.E. (2016) Contrasting Coreference in Czech and German: from Different Frameworks to Joint Results Conference Paper
Csűry.I. (2016) Koherencia és multimodalitás Book Chapter
Asr.F.Torabi, Demberg.V. (2016) But vs. Although under the microscope Conference Proceedings
Rehbein.I., Scholman.M.C.J., Demberg.V. (2016) Annotating discourse relations in spoken language: A comparison of the PDTB and CCR frameworks Conference Paper
Furko.P., Csilla.D., Degand.L., Webber.B. (2016) TextLink – Structuring Discourse in Multilingual Europe, Second Action Conference: Conference Handbook Conference Proceedings
Nedoluzkho.A., Lapshinova-Koltunski.E. (2016) Contrasting Coreference in Czech and German: from Different Frameworks to Joint Results Conference Proceedings
Rohde.H., Dickinson.A., Schneider.N., Clark.C., Louis.A., Webber.B. (2016) Filling in the Blanks in Understanding Discourse Adverbials: Consistency, Conflict, and Context-Dependence in a Crowdsourced Elicitation Task Conference Paper
Cao.S., da Cunha.I., Iruskieta.M. (2016) Toward the Elaboration of a Spanish-Chinese Parallel Annotated Corpus Conference Paper
Scholman.M., Rohde.H., Demberg.V. (2016) "On the one hand" as a Cue to Anticipate Upcoming Discourse Structure. Presentation
Lapshinova-Koltunski.E., Kunz.K., Nedoluzhko.A. (2016) From Interoperable Annotations towards Interoperable Resources: A Multilingual Approach to the Analysis of Discourse Conference Paper
Degand.L., Zufferey.S. (2016) French connectives Book Chapter
Mota-Montoya.M.A., da Cunha.I., López-Escobedo.F. (2016) Un corpus de paráfrasis en español: metodología, elaboración y análisis Journal Article
Scholman.M., Rohde.H., Demberg.V. (2016) ``On the one hand'' as a Cue to Anticipate Upcoming Discourse Structure Presentation
Hoek.J., Zufferey.S., Evers-Vermeul.J., Sanders.T. (2016) Discourse connectives in translation Presentation
Scheffler.T., Stede.M. (2016) Adding Semantic Relations to a Large-Coverage Connective Lexicon of German Conference Paper
Cao.S., da Cunha.I., Iruskieta.M. (2016) A Corpus-based Approach for Spanish-Chinese Language Learning Conference Paper
Scholman.M. (2016) Predictions of upcoming discourse structure based on "On the one hand" Presentation
Kunz.K., Lapshinova-Koltunski.E., Martínez.J.Manuel Mar (2016) Beyond Identity Coreference: Contrasting Indicators of Textual Coherence in English and German Conference Paper
Mazeikiene.V., Vaiciuniene.V. (2016) Cross-linguistic Variation of the Discourse Marker However in Parallel Corpora and Translation of However from English into Lithuanian Journal Article
Scholman.M., Rohde.H., Demberg.V. (2016) Predictions of upcoming discourse structure based on ``On the one hand'' Presentation
Sanders.T., Demberg.V., Evers-Vermeul.J., Hoek.J., Scholman.M. (2016) Unifying dimensions in discourse relations: how various annotation schemes are related Presentation
Melià.M., Cuenca.M.J. (2016) Use of Connectives and Argumentation in Catalan Parliamentary Debate Book Chapter
Mírovský.J., Synková.P., Rysová.M., Polakova.L. (2016) Designing CzeDLex–A Lexicon of Czech Discourse Connectives Conference Proceedings
Scheffler.T., Stede.M. (2016) Mapping PDTB-style connective annotation to RST-style discourse annotation Conference Paper
Mírovský.J., Polakova.L., Stepanek.J. (2016) Searching in the Penn Discourse Treebank Using the PML-Tree Query Conference Paper
Cao.S., da Cunha.I., Bel.N. (2016) An analysis of the Concession relation based on the discourse marker aunque in a Spanish-Chinese parallel corpus Journal Article


Zufferey.S., Hoek.J. (2015) Annotating implicit coherence relations in parallel corpora Presentation
(2015) Cognitive plausibility and a systematic set of relations – Useful for discourse annotation? Presentation
Iruskieta.M., da Cunha.I., Taboada.M. (2015) Principles of a qualitative method for rhetorical analysis evaluation: A contrastive analysis English-Spanish-Basque Journal Article
(2015) A Neo-Humean Taxonomy of Coherence Relations Presentation
(2015) Annotating coherence relations in corpora of language use Presentation
Asijaviciute.V., Sliogeriene.J., Oleskeviciene.V. (2015) Discourse Relational Devices of Contrast in Lithuanian and English Journal Article
Zufferey.S., Mak.W., Degand.L., Sanders.T. (2015) Advanced learners’ comprehension of discourse connectives: The role of L1 transfer across on-line and off-line tasks Journal Article
(2015) Benefits of a Lexicalized Approach to DRDs Presentation
(2015) A distributional account of discourse connectives and its effect on fine-grained inferences Presentation
Rysová.M., Rysová.K. (2015) Secondary Connectives in the Prague Dependency Treebank Conference Paper
Rohde.H., Dickinson.A., Clark.C., Louis.A., Webber.B. (2015) Recovering discourse relations: Varying influence of discourse adverbials Conference Paper
(2015) Annotating and learning models of discourse structure Presentation
Zikánová.Š., Hajičová.E., Hladká.B., Jínová.P., Mírovský.J., Nedoluzhko.A., Poláková.L., Rysová.K., Rysová.M., Václ.J. (2015) Discourse and Coherence. From the Sentence Structure to Relations in Text Book
Acar.F., Çakıcı.R., Zeyrek.D. (2015) Detecting simplex subordinators in Turkish Conference Paper
(2015) Assessing the validity of annotation guidelines: Towards multimodal equivalence of Discourse-Structuring Devices Presentation
Jivanyan.H. (2015) Antéposition du connecteur dans une relation causale. Les raisons, les contraintes et les effets. Journal Article
(2015) ANNODIS Presentation
Lewandowska-Tomaszczyk.B. (2015) Polish and English emotional Event-Linking Devices of negativity clusters in spoken language – a contrastive study Presentation
Asr.F.Torabi, Demberg.V. (2015) Uniform Surprisal at the Level of Discourse Relations: Negation Markers and Discourse Connective Omission Conference Paper
Zufferey.S., Degand.L. (2015) Annotating the meaning of connectives in multilingual corpora. Miscellaneous
Asijaviciute.V., Sliogeriene.J., Oleskeviciene.V. (2015) Discourse Relational Devices of Contrast in Lithuanian and English Presentation
Nedoluzkho.A., Polakova.L., Rysová.K., Rysová.M., Václ.J. (2015) Discourse and Coherence. From the Sentence Structure to Relations in Text Book
Dickinson.A., Rohde.H., Louis.A., Clark.C., Webber.B. (2015) Crowd-Sourcing Concurrent Relations Conference Paper
(2015) A Translation-based Assessment of PDTB Explicit Connectives in Romanian Presentation
Meyer.T., Hajlaoui.N., Popescu-Belis.A. (2015) Disambiguating Discourse Connectives for Statistical Machine Translation Journal Article
Cao.S., da Cunha.I., Bel.N. (2015) A contrastive study of Spanish-Chinese intra-sentence discourse structures based on the discourse marker “although” Conference Paper
(2015) Annotating the meaning of connectives in multilingual corpora Presentation
Prasad.R., Bunt.H. (2015) Semantic Relations in Discourse: The Current State of ISO 24617-8. Conference Paper
(2015) A three-layer approach to the cognitive representation and linguistic marking of subjectivity and perspective Presentation
Kunz.K., Lapshinova-Koltunski.E. (2015) Cross-linguistic analysis of discourse variation across registers Journal Article


da Cunha.I., Vivaldi.J., Torres-Moreno.J.M., Sierra.G. (2014) SIMTEX: An Approach for Detecting and Measuring Textual Similarity based on Discourse and Semantics Journal Article
Rysová.M., Rysová.K. (2014) The Centre and Periphery of Discourse Connectives Conference Paper
Mírovský.J., Hajičová.E. (2014) What can linguists learn from some simple statistics on annotated treebanks Conference Paper
Zeyrek.D. (2014) On the distribution of the contrastive-concessive discourse connectives ama ‘but/yet’ and fakat ‘but’ in written Turkish* Book Chapter
Demirşahin.I., Zeyrek.D. (2014) Annotating Discourse Connectives in Spoken Turkish Conference Proceedings


Webber.B. (2013) Coherence relations and referential expectations Journal Article
Zeyrek.D., Demirşahin.I., Sevdik-Çallı.A., Çakıcı.R. (2013) Turkish Discourse Bank: Porting a discourse annotation style to a morphologically rich language Journal Article
Demirşahin.I., Öztürel.A., Bozşahin.C., Zeyrek.D. (2013) Applicative structures and immediate discourse in the Turkish Discourse Bank. Conference Proceedings


Demirşahin.I., Sevdik-Çallı.A., Balaban.H.Ögel, Çakıcı.R., Zeyrek.D. (2012) Turkish Discourse Bank: Ongoing Developments Conference Paper
Zeyrek.D., Turan.Ü.Deniz, Demirşahin.I., Çakıcı.R. (2012) Differential properties of three discourse connectives in Turkish Book Chapter
Bunt.H., Prasad.R., Joshi.A. (2012) First steps toward an ISO standard for the annotation of discourse relations. Conference Paper


Turan.D., Zeyrek.D. (2011) Context, contrast, and the structure of discourse in Turkish Book Chapter
Petukhova.V., Prévot.L., Bunt.H. (2011) Discourse Relations in Dialogue Conference Paper


Sanders.T., Spooren.W. (2010) Oxford Handbooks OnlineDiscourse and Text Structure Book
Zeyrek.D., Demirşahin.I., Sevdik-Çallı.A., Balaban.H.O., Yalçinkaya.I., Turan.D. (2010) The annotation scheme of the Turkish Discourse Bank and an evaluation of inconsistent annotations Conference Proceedings


Zeyrek.D., Turan.Ü., Bozşahin.C., Çakıcı.R., Sevdik-Çallı.A., Demirşahin.I., Aktaş.B., Yalçinkaya.I., Ögel.H. (2009) Annotating subordinators in the Turkish Discourse Bank Conference Proceedings
Petukhova.V., Bunt.H. (2009) Towards a Multidimensional Semantics of Discourse Markers in Spoken Dialogue Conference Paper


Degand.L., Sanders.T. (2002) The impact of relational markers on expository text comprehension in L1 and L2 Journal Article


Gardent.C., Webber.B. (2001) Towards the Use of Automated Reasoning in Discourse Disambiguation Journal Article


Jivanyan.H. (0) "Parce que" in the Syntax-Semantics-Pragmatics Interface Journal Article