Final Action Conference

The TextLink COST Action addresses Discourse Relational Devices (DRDs) in terms of resources, annotation models (including their comparability), and tools both for annotating DRDs and interconnecting annotated data. With a network covering research on no less than 20 different languages, written as well as spoken discourse, in a variety of genres and registers, and corpora that range from « in construction » to « fully annotated », the third and final Action Conference will be the occasion to take stock of the progress achieved, insisting on evaluation of discourse related resources and bridges between them, as well as opening to applications of the network results.
The meeting is open to everyone, both current members of TextLink and other researchers and practitioners working in the area.

Submission on Easychair:

Invited speakers : 
Anette Frank (Department of Computational Linguistics, Heidelberg University, Germany) 
Program Committee : 
Maria Josep Cuenca (University of València)
Liesbeth Degand (Université catholique de Louvain)
Lydia-Mai Ho-Dac (CLLE-ERSS, University of Toulouse)
Amália Mendes (Centro de Linguística da Universidade de Lisboa)
Jiri Mirovsky (Charles University in Prague)
Philippe Muller (IRIT, Toulouse University)
Hannah Rohde (The University of Edinburgh)
Ted Sanders (Utrecht University)
Manfred Stede (Univ Potsdam)
Jacqueline Visconti (University of Genoa)
Bonnie Webber (The University of Edinburgh)
Deniz Zeyrek (Middle East Technical University)
Sandrine Zufferey (University of Bern)

Action Conference
Mai Hodac
Philippe Muller
Monday, 19 March, 2018 to Wednesday, 21 March, 2108

Paul Sabatier University (
Toulouse France


Monday 19 March, 14:00: Start of the conference
Tuesday 20 March, all day: Conference (and Gala dinner)
Wednesday 21 March, 14:00: End of the conference

The conference will be preceded by a steering committee meeting (TextLink managers and working group leaders) on Monday 19 March (9-12:30). 
The conference will be followed by an MC meeting (Wednesday 21, 14:30 - 16:30). This meeting is open to all TextLink members, but only MC members have voting right (one vote per country).

The conference program (PDF)(last updated on: 07-March-2018)

Practical information: 

Because of severe disturbances in the Jean Jaurès University (because of a big wave of strikes), the Final Action Conference will be held at the IRIT (Institut de Recherche en Informatique de Toulouse – Toulouse Institute of Computer Science Research)
IRIT is part of the Paul Sabatier University which is located on the South-East of Toulouse, on Metro B line, direction "Ramonville", at "Université Paul Sabatier" stop:
A map with relevant information is given in the new version of the programme.

Accommodation : 

The suggested hotels are located in the center of Toulouse, close to Metro line B that is directly connected to the Paul Sabatier University : 

 Another possibility is to book a studio in The Aparthotel Adagio Saint-Cyprien which is situated rive gauche in the lively Saint-Cyprien neighborhood (close to Metro line A, at 3 stops to the Metro line B connection). We have pre-booked 21 studios accommodating one to two people  (a special price was negotiated -- 83.00€ BB, simply indicate "TEXTLINK conference" when booking):

Social Dinner location:

Tuesday evening Drink location:


Participants who are eligible for reimbursement will be reimbursed according to COST rules. Accommodation will be reimbursed at a flat rate of 100 euro per night.Meals (excl. those provided by the organiser) will be reimbursed at a flat rate of 20 euro per meal.
Lunch during the conference will be provided.In particular, there are some strict rules pertaining to: 

  • the use of taxis for transport.
  • the hiring of cars.
  • travelling to or from the meeting from a destination other than your country of residence.
  • local transport - anything less than 25€ does not have to be justified - this means that the total amount spent on local transport must be less than 25€, not each individual leg or means of local transport.
  • receipts for hotel accommodation and meals are not needed.
  • the use of taxis always requires a receipt, even in the case that 25€ or less has been spent on local transport.
  • amounts should be entered in the currency in which they were paid for - COST will automatically calculate the exchange rate into Euros.
  • In addition to
    COST requirements, the grant holder institution (Université Catholique
    de Louvain) requires the following in order to make payments:
  • boarding passes and tickets in addition to receipts.
  • all original justifications
    (e.g. boarding passes, tickets, receipts) - don't forget to make copies
    and upload to e-COST before posting these originals to Nicky. These
    originals will be kept by the grant holder until 2019.
  • a completed "request for payment", submitted via email to Nicky Thrupp (these are generally handed out at meetings, but can also be downloaded here)

More information is available in these guidelines and in the COST Vademecum.

Finally, participants must sign the attendance register at the meeting in order to ensure they will be reimbursed.

Book of Abstracts: