
Chair of the Action:
Prof Liesbeth DEGAND (BE)
Vice Chair of the Action:
Prof Bonnie WEBBER (UK)
Science officer of the Action:
Administrative officer of the Action:
Ms Nathalie Warenghien

Name Surnamesort descending Country Affilation TextLink Role Working Group Languages
Veronika Laippala Finland
Viktorija Mazeikiene Lithuania Mykolas Romeris University WG1, WG2 Lithuanian, English
Vilhelmina Vaičiūnienė Lithuania Mykolas Romeris University WG1
Volker Gast Germany Friedrich Schiller University Jena WG4
Voula Paraskevi Giouli Greece Institute for Language and Speech Processing, Athena RIC WG1, WG2
Yael Maschler Israel University of Haifa WG1, WG2 Hebrew, English
Yipu Wei Netherlands WG3
Yulia Grishina Germany University of Potsdam English, German, Russian, Spanish
