Potsdam special interest group meeting on unifying dimensions

In Budapest, we agreed that we would keep on working on the idea of
unifying dimensions for discourse relations in a special interest group.
The date for this meeting has now been fixed to December 8, 2016. It
will be hosted by Manfred Stede and his group in Potsdam. We are very
happy that Manfred has offered to do this.

The goal of this meeting is to keep on exploring how the use of
dimensions can be applied to additional theoretical models than PDTB,
RST and SDRT; to test its applicability to different languages than
English, and to discuss its (future) applicability to spoken data.

Due to space and funding limitations, this workshop is limited to 20
participants. Priority will be given to participants who intend to use
this approach on their own data, and who are able and willing to share
corpus cases to analyze during the Potsdam sessions.

In order to sign in for the workshop, please send a short paragraph
to WG leaders explaining the relevance of this topic for your work, as
well a short indication of your past experience with concrete corpus
More information is available on the workshop website.

Transversal meeting
Manfred Stede (Potsdam)
Hannah Rohde (University of Edinburgh)
Ted Sanders (Universiteit Utrecht)
Sandrine Zufferey (Universität Bern)
Wednesday, 30 November, 2016

Potsdam (Germany)

Practical information: 